Head of Laboratory
Marc has significant experience in the biotech sector. He holds a PhD/MRes in biomedical science from Newcastle University, with his research focussing on reactive oxygen species (ROS) as signalling molecules in the model organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast).
Prior to joining Magnitude Biosciences, Marc spent over a decade working for a start-up company in the molecular diagnostics sector; initially as a Research Scientist before taking on more senior roles, including Technical Lead for key projects. During this time, the company grew from having fewer than 20 employees to being an ISO-accredited commercial company with over 100 staff in various roles, including science, engineering, business development, regulatory affairs, quality management and manufacturing.
Marc brings this experience to the Head of Laboratory role to ensure that Magnitude Biosciences continues to develop and grow. With his history of working with fission yeast, Marc is a passionate believer in using model organisms such Caenorhabditis elegans to solve key questions in biology and to improve human health and vitality.