Age-related Cognitive Functional Decline Assay

Measuring decline in neuronal function with age

C. elegans, with its well-mapped nervous system and neurotransmitter similarities to humans, presents a unique model for studying age-related cognitive decline. The decline in dopaminergic responses associated with ageing mirrors conditions like Parkinson’s disease (PD) in humans.

The Challenge:

Current behavioural assays using rodents for studying cognitive decline are expensive, time-consuming, and lack translatability to human conditions, hindering progress in anti-ageing therapeutic development.

Our Solution:

Magnitude Biosciences leverages C. elegans and our proprietary WormGazerTM technology to provide our novel Age-related Cognitive (ARC) Functional Assay. This assay quantifies cognitive decline in aged worms and neurodegenerative disease models, offering a cost-effective and efficient alternative to rodent models.

The ARC Assay:

Our ARC assay measures cognitive function through a chemotaxis-dependent behavior that declines with age. By automating data acquisition with our WormGazerTM technology, we can evaluate the effects of compounds on cognitive health in C. elegans.


Normal mobility & exploration

Can recognises food source & stay near it

Disease A

Normal mobility & exploration

Impaired cognitive function results in failure to recognise and move towards food

    Disease B

    Impaired mobility & exploration

    Can recognise food source & stay near it

      Worms of various ages are placed a fixed distance from their food source.  As they age, it takes longer for them to find their food, and they are less able to cognitively localise themselves to the food.

      Partner with Us for Neuronal Function Research

      Collaborate with Magnitude Biosciences to accelerate your research on age-related cognitive decline. Our ARC assay provides a streamlined approach to assess compound efficacy.

      Key Benefits

      • Cost-Effective: Reduce research costs with efficient C. elegans-based assays.
      • Time-Efficient: Rapidly assess cognitive function with automated technology.
      • Translatability: Gain insights directly applicable to age-related neurodegenerative conditions.
      • Customizable: Tailor assays to specific research needs for comprehensive results.

      Learn More

      Contact us today to explore how our ARC assay can advance your research on age-related cognitive decline and support the development of anti-ageing therapeutics.

      Get in touch today to find out how we can 
      support you to accelerate your research

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      Contract lab services for your research area

      Our customised C. elegans studies help industry leaders generate high-quality, 
      reproducible data to answer their research questions in these areas.


      A powerful whole
      organism model for
      microbiome research


      A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


      A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


      A powerful whole
      organism model for accelerating ageing research


      We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.


      A powerful whole
      organism model for accelerating ageing research


      A powerful whole organism model for
      microbiome research


      A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


      A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


      We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.

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