Healthspan Assay

Accelerate Research with Healthspan and Lifespan Assays

At Magnitude Biosciences we offer cutting-edge healthspan and lifespan assays powered by our proprietary WormGazer™ technology. These assays provide comprehensive insights into ageing, healthspan, and disease progression using the C. elegans model organism.

By leveraging our advanced automated platform, researchers can accelerate drug discovery, optimize therapeutic interventions, and gain critical data to inform ageing-related research.

Healthspan vs Lifespan

Healthspan: Focuses on quality of life and measures the progression of health-related parameters as an organism transitions from early adulthood and into the ageing process. This approach provides comprehensive insights in only 7 days.

Lifespan: Measures the duration an organism remains alive, allowing you to understand the impact of genetic, environmental, and therapeutic factors on overall longevity and mortality rates. This can be done as a part of a healthspan study, using the same population in a carry-on lifespan after the healthspan.

Key Benefits of Our Healthspan and Lifespan Assays

  • Cost-Effective: Reduce research costs with efficient C. elegans-based assays.
  • Time-Efficient: Rapidly assess healthspan changes using our automated approach.
  • Translational Insights: Gain data directly applicable to human health and ageing.
  • Customizable: Tailor assays to specific research needs for comprehensive results.

WormGazer™ Mobility Assessment: Healthspan Endpoints

Our WormGazer™ technology quantifies various healthspan endpoints, providing rich data for research purposes:

  • Mean Moving Hours: Measures the average mobility of worms over time, indicating healthspan and ageing effects.
  • Fraction of Worms Moving: Analyzes population mobility trends to assess compound impacts.
  • Mean Speed Across Moving Worms: Quantifies mobility speed changes with age and compound treatments.
  • Integrated Area Under the Curve: Compiles multiple healthspan metrics for statistical analysis.

Fraction of Worms Moving

 Mean Moving Hours

Case Study: Measuring efficacy to slow ageing for drug discovery biotech Five Alarm Bio

Five Alarm Bio, a UK drug discovery startup focussing on the underlying mechanisms of ageing to develop therapeutics for age-related disease, works with Magnitude Biosciences to test their compound, FAB001, to test their hypothesis on the nature of ageing.

Case Study

Please fill in the form below to download the Case Study

Advantages of Automated Healthspan Assessments

  • Robust Workflow: High data reproducibility and rapid turnaround with our automated platform.
  • Non-Invasive Data Acquisition: Continuous monitoring without disrupting worm behavior.
  • Versatile Data Processing: Customizable analysis to reveal subtle health intervention effects.
  • High Throughput: Conduct multiple experiments efficiently to accelerate research timelines.

Why Focus on Healthspan?

Research shows that healthspan assessments offer more relevant and actionable insights for ageing-related studies compared to traditional lifespan approaches. Our technology enables researchers to track mobility, muscle health, and other vital parameters over time, providing a holistic view of healthspan progression.

Get in touch today to find out how we can 
support you to accelerate your research

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Contract lab services for your research area

Our customised C. elegans studies help industry leaders generate high-quality, 
reproducible data to answer their research questions in these areas.


A powerful whole
organism model for
microbiome research


A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


A powerful whole
organism model for accelerating ageing research


We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.


A powerful whole
organism model for accelerating ageing research


A powerful whole organism model for
microbiome research


A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.

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