Muscle Health Assay with C.elegans 

Advancing muscle health through C. elegans

Age-related muscle loss, known as sarcopenia, is an inherent part of the ageing process. Sarcopenia significantly contributes to frailty, immobility, and increased mortality in the elderly population. Current investigations primarily rely on costly and time-consuming rodent models, which presents challenges for efficient research into muscle health.

The Challenge:

The increasing elderly population and the pressing challenges associated with muscle function decline demand novel animal models and cost-effective, time-efficient assays. Simplifying research processes is crucial for developing therapeutic interventions for sarcopenia and related conditions.

Our Solution:

C. elegans serves as an exceptional model for studying ageing and muscle health. Similar to mammals, C. elegans exhibits a gradual loss of mobility and muscle function with age, reflecting muscle and neurotransmission defects. This model organism offers unique advantages, including a short lifespan, large sample size capability, and genetic manipulability.

Muscle Health Assay:

Using our proprietary automated WormGazerTM technology provides a screening platform to identify candidates that preserve worm motility with ageing. Our Muscle Health assay can then be used to study the in-depth effects of successful candidates.  

We assess muscle health by visualizing muscle fiber organization using myo-3::GFP worm strains, offering detailed insights into muscle structure changes during ageing.

Day 1

Day 8

Day 15

By tracing the muscle fibres we are able to quantify deterioration over the worm’s lifespan. By measuring length, straightness, density and uniformity and other attributes we can report on an array of outputs to show how your compounds impact muscle health.

Partner with Us for Muscle Health Research

Join us in advancing muscle health research and developing interventions to enhance quality of life in ageing populations. Our Muscle Health assay offers a valuable tool for understanding and addressing age-related muscle issues.

Key Benefits

  • Cost-Effective: Reduce research costs with our efficient C. elegans-based assays.
  • Time-Efficient: Rapidly assess muscle health changes with our streamlined approach.
  • Translatability: Gain insights directly applicable to human conditions.
  • Customizable: Tailor assays to specific research needs for comprehensive results

Learn More

Contact Magnitude Biosciences today to learn how our Muscle Health assay can benefit your research and product development efforts focused on preserving muscle health in ageing populations.

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Contract lab services for your research area

Our customised C. elegans studies help industry leaders generate high-quality, 
reproducible data to answer their research questions in these areas.


A powerful whole
organism model for
microbiome research


A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


A powerful whole
organism model for accelerating ageing research


We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.


A powerful whole
organism model for accelerating ageing research


A powerful whole organism model for
microbiome research


A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.

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