Manual Paralysis Assay with C.elegans 

Rescue neuronal function in C. elegans

Age-related neurodegeneration, such as seen in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s, is a pressing challenge associated with the decline in neurotransmitter function. C. elegans, with its mapped nervous system and neurotransmitter similarities to humans, provides a valuable model for studying neurological health and ageing.

The Challenge:

Current methods relying on rodent models for neurobehavioral assessments are costly, time-consuming, and lack translatability to human conditions, hindering progress in neuroprotective therapeutic development.

Our Solution:

Magnitude Biosciences offers a novel approach using C. elegans, along with our patented WormGazerTM technology,  to investigate age-related neurodegeneration. Leverageing the worm's genetic and functional parallels to human neurotransmitter systems, we employ a manual paralysis assay to assess neurological function and screen potential neuroprotective compounds.

Our Manual Paralysis Assay:

Our proprietary manual paralysis assay evaluates the efficacy of compounds in rescuing neuronal function in C. elegans. By inducing paralysis and observing responses, we can quantify the effects of test compounds on neurotransmitter signaling and mobility.

The percentage of paralysed worms increases with levamisole concentration after 1 hr exposure.

Levamisole is an acetylcholine receptor agonist.

Control worms showing normal movement

0.02mM Levamisole slows worms and a small percentage are fully paralysed

At the top levamisole concentration, paralysed worms adopt a characteristic crescent body shape

Partner with Us:

Collaborate with Magnitude Biosciences to accelerate your neuroprotective research. Our manual paralysis assay offers a streamlined, cost-effective approach to evaluate compound efficacy.

Key Benefits of Our Assay:

  • Cost-Effective: Reduce research costs with efficient C. elegans-based assays.
  • Time-Efficient: Rapidly assess neurological function with our streamlined approach.
  • Translatability: Gain insights directly applicable to human neurodegenerative conditions.
  • Customizable: Tailor assays to specific research needs for comprehensive results.

Learn More

Contact us today to explore how our manual paralysis assay can advance your neurodegenerative research and drug development efforts.

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Contract lab services for your research area

Our customised C. elegans studies help industry leaders generate high-quality, 
reproducible data to answer their research questions in these areas.


A powerful whole
organism model for
microbiome research


A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


A powerful whole
organism model for accelerating ageing research


We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.


A powerful whole
organism model for accelerating ageing research


A powerful whole organism model for
microbiome research


A proven whole organism model for neurodegenerative disease


A powerful whole organism model for detecting toxicity for the environment and human health


We can generate C. elegans strains tailored to the exact needs of your project.

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